El Salvador Marina Cubre is a Red Bourbon coffee that impresses with its clean and balanced flavor profile. Each sip reveals a harmony between the sweetness of pine honey, the light acidity of apple and the fresh note of cucumber. Suitable for both espresso and alternative methods, this coffee is a true delight for lovers of elegant and sophisticated flavours.
Coffee production in El Salvador has defined its history for over 100 years and has made a significant contribution to the country’s economy since the mid-19th century. Until the civil war in the 1980s, El Salvador was one of Central America’s most advanced coffee-producing countries, with a renowned international reputation for quality and efficiency. After the war, the country sought to rebuild its production. Thanks to its rich volcanic soils and mild climate, El Salvador produces excellent coffees and is home to some of the world’s most sought-after varieties.
Cordillera del Balsamo is located in the western region of the country, a few dozen kilometres west of the capital Salvador. Finca Marina Cumbre is located right at the top of the mountain range and has 30 hectares of shade-grown coffee plantations. Three varieties of coffee are grown on this plantation: Bourbon, Pacamara and Icatu. In addition, Marina Cumbre focuses mainly on the production of speciality coffee and collaborates with the Sociedad Cooperativa de Caficultores Siglo XXI to improve agronomic and processing techniques.
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